SDA Bocconi application process


SDA Bocconi Application Process

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Bocconi University or Università Bocconi (formally known in Italian as Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi [universiˈta kommerˈtʃaːle luˈiːdʒi bokˈkoːni] – Luigi Bocconi Commercial University) is a private university in Milan, Italy. The university is consistently ranked as the top business school in Italy and among the best in the world. The university provides education in the fields of economics, finance, law, business administration, management, political science, public administration, information science, data science, and computer science. Bocconi is a founding member of CEMS - The Global Alliance in Management Education, and the university through its graduate business school, SDA Bocconi School of Management, has received triple accreditation from the AACSB, EQUIS, and the AMBA where it offers MBA, Executive MBA, DBA, professional development, executive education, and professional certification programs.

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