Princeton University Graduate School
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Article Title : Université Harvard
Article Snippet :Divinity School (1816) ; la Harvard Law School (1817) (droit) ; la Harvard Business School (1908) (école de commerce) ; la Graduate School of Design
Article Title : American University
Article Snippet :Law (droit), la School of International Service (relations internationales), la Kogod School of Business (finance, gestion) et la School of Public Affairs
Article Title : Nina Garsoïan
Article Snippet :arméniennes à Columbia. De 1977 à 1979, elle est doyenne de la Graduate School de l'université de Princeton,. Nina Garsoïan est née à Paris le 11 avril 1923 de parents
Article Title : European Graduate School
Article Snippet :recommandations des projets correspondants. European Graduate School L'European Graduate School (EGS) est un établissement privé d'enseignement supérieur
Article Title : Université George-Washington
Article Snippet :of the School of Business », The George Washington University (consulté le 26 octobre 2007) GW College of Professional Studies Graduate School of Political
Article Title : Université Rutgers
Article Snippet :Rutgers School of Business Rutgers School of Law Camden Graduate School Zimmerli Art Museum The Daily Targum (journal de l'université) Rutgers University Press
Article Title : Luther P. Eisenhart
Article Snippet :président du département de mathématiques de l'Université de Princeton puis doyen de la Graduate School de 1933 à 1945. Il est largement reconnu pour avoir guidé
Article Title : Alan M. Leslie
Article Snippet :Leslie », Princeton University (consulté le 9 avril 2018) « Sarah-Jane Leslie named dean of the Graduate School », Princeton University Graduate School, 20
Article Title : Université Brown
Article Snippet :L'université comprend le College, Graduate School, Alpert Medical School, la School of Engineering, la School of Public Health, et la School of Professional Studies
Article Title : Master of Business Administration
Article Snippet :le MBA de la Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, de la China Europe International Business School, de l'Indian School of Business. À l'origine
The George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences (GW SMHS for short) was established in 1824, due to the need for doctors in the District of Columbia (DC). The school formally opened its doors a year later in 1825. It is the eleventh oldest medical school in the United States and the first medical school established in the nation's capital. The school has more than 700 medical students currently enrolled in its Doctor of Medicine (MD) program.
GW saw rise in the number of applications, to 14,649 applications in 2012.
The George Washington University School of Medicine is at the forefront of technology for research and application. GW's innovations include the six-million volt linear accelerator, a radioisotope laboratory, and the first operating theaters with overhead observation decks, among others. Political figures, such as former Vice President Dick Cheney and former First Lady Laura Bush, also come to GW for routine and emergency procedures. The school was in the national spotlight in 1981 when US President Ronald Reagan, shot at close range, was rushed to its ER for surgery.
The Himmelfarb Health Sciences Library is the academic library for GW SMHS.
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