Harvard Medical School
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Harvard Medical School (HMS) is the medical school of Harvard University and is located in the Longwood Medical Area in Boston, Massachusetts. Founded in 1782, HMS is the third oldest medical school in the United States. It provides patient care, medical education, and research training through its 15 clinical affiliates and research institutes, including Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH), Boston Children's Hospital, Dana–Farber Cancer Institute, Brigham and Women's Hospital, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Mount Auburn Hospital, McLean Hospital, Cambridge Health Alliance, The Baker Center for Children and Families, Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital, and others Harvard Medical School also partners with newer entities such as Harvard Catalyst, Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard, Harvard Stem Cell Institute, the Center for Primary Care, and Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering.
Article Title : Harvard Medical School
Article Snippet :Harvard Medical School (HMS) is the medical school of Harvard University and is located in the Longwood Medical Area in Boston, Massachusetts. Founded
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Article Snippet :Harvard Medical School is the medical school of Harvard University and is located in the Longwood Medical Area in Boston, Massachusetts. Lewis Hackett
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Article Snippet :promoted the case method in law schools that sought accreditation. Harvard Medical School, the third-oldest medical school in the United States, was founded
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Article Snippet :The Harvard School of Dental Medicine (HSDM) is the dental school of Harvard University. It is located in the Longwood Medical Area in Boston, Massachusetts
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Harvard Medical School (HMS) is the graduate medical school of Harvard University. It is located in the Longwood Medical Area of the Mission Hill neighborhood of Boston, Massachusetts. It has been ranked the #1 research medical school in the United States by U.S. News & World Report every year since the magazine began publishing medical school rankings.
The school has a large and distinguished faculty to support its missions of education, research, and clinical care. These faculty hold appointments in the basic science departments on the HMS Quadrangle, and in the clinical departments located in multiple Harvard-affiliated hospitals and institutions in Boston. There are approximately 2,900 full- and part-time voting faculty members consisting of assistant, associate, and full professors, and over 5,000 full or part-time, non-voting instructors.
The current dean of the medical school is Jeffrey S. Flier, an endocrinologist and the former Chief Academic Officer of the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, who succeeded neurologist Joseph B. Martin, M.D., Ph.D on September 1, 2007.
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