Law Schools Us Rankings


Law Schools Us Rankings

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Law school rankings are a specific subset of college and university rankings dealing specifically with law schools. Like college and university rankings, law school rankings can be based on empirical data, subjectively-perceived qualitative data (often survey research of educators, law professors, lawyers, students, or others), or some combination of these. Such rankings are often consulted by prospective students as they choose which schools they will apply to or which school they will attend. There are several different law school rankings, each of which has a different emphasis and methodology.

Article Title : Law school rankings in the United States
Article Snippet :Law school rankings are a specific subset of college and university rankings dealing specifically with law schools. Like college and university rankings
Article Title : U.S. News & World Report Best Colleges Ranking
Article Snippet :The U.S. News & World Report Best Colleges Ranking is an annual set of rankings of colleges and universities in the United States, first published in
Article Title : Rutgers Law School
Article Snippet :Report "Seto: Law School Rankings by 2014 Graduates Hired into BigLaw Jobs", TaxProfBlog. [1], Above the Law 2019 Rankings. [2], Top Law Schools in America
Article Title : Historical rankings of presidents of the United States
Article Snippet :conducted in order to construct historical rankings of the success of the presidents of the United States. Ranking systems are usually based on surveys of
Article Title : Yale Law School
Article Snippet :Official: Yale Law School Tops US News Rankings," Apr. 23, 2009 (2010 rankings). March 25, 2024
Article Title : Law school in the United States
Article Snippet :An Arbitrary Ranking All Along?". Above the Law. Retrieved 2018-09-05. "In 2013 Best Law School Rankings, Top Schools Switch Spots - US News and World
Article Title : Cooley Law School
Article Snippet :its peak in 2010, Cooley had over 3,900 students and was the largest US law school by enrollment; as of the Spring of 2022, Cooley had approximately 500
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Article Snippet :#64-70 ranking category out of 70 part-time schools. In 2010, Widener University School of Law was named to a national list of "Top Green Schools" based
Article Title : Florida Coastal School of Law
Article Snippet :law schools of the InfiLaw System owned by Sterling Partners. Because of funding and accreditation issues, the school closed its doors in 2021. U.S.
Article Title : List of law schools in the United States
Article Snippet :state without a law school. Law schools are nationally accredited by the American Bar Association (ABA), and graduates of these schools may generally sit

The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business, also known as AACSB International, is an American professional organization. It was founded in 1916 to provide accreditation to business schools. Not all AACSB members are accredited and AACSB does not accredit for-profit schools.
On average, AACSB observes that schools take between four and five years to earn AACSB Accreditation. The amount of time it will take a school to earn accreditation depends largely on how closely aligned they are with AACSB standards when they apply for eligibility.
The AACSB withdrew recognition by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation in 2016. This is because the AACSB now holds international recognition by the ISO.


The American Assembly of Collegiate Schools of Business was founded as an accrediting body in 1916 by a group of seventeen American universities and colleges. The first accreditations took place in 1919. For many years, the association accredited only American business schools. But in the latter part of the twentieth century it advocated a more international approach to business education. The first school it accredited outside the United States was the University of Alberta in 1968, and the first outside North America was the French business school ESSEC, in 1997.
Robert S. Sullivan, dean of Rady School of Management, became chair of the association in 2013. The organization is currently led by CEO and President Tom Robinson, who came to AACSB from the CFA Institute, a global association for investment management professionals; its board is chaired by John A. Elliott, former dean of the University of Connecticut School of Business.

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Cooley Law School Michigan University

The University of Michigan Law School (Michigan Law) is the law school of the University of Michigan, in Ann Arbor. Founded in 1859, the school offers Juris Doctor (JD), Master of Laws (LLM), and Doctor of Juridical Science (SJD) degree programs. The school has an enrollment of about 920 as well as 81 full-time faculty members (60 tenured and tenure-track and 21 in clinical and legal practice).
Michigan Law School consistently ranks among the highest-rated law schools in the United States and the world. In the 2019 U.S. News ranking, Michigan Law is ranked 9th overall. Notable alumni include U.S. Supreme Court Justices Frank Murphy, William Rufus Day, and George Sutherland, as well as a number of heads of state and corporate executives. Approximately 89% of were employed within ten months, its bar passage rate in 2017 was 92.5%.
Michigan Law has placed 41 of its alumni on United States Circuit Courts, over 100 of its graduates on federal trial courts, and 36 of its graduates on the Michigan Supreme Court, including 16 who served as Chief Justice. More than 170 Michigan law graduates have served in the United States Congress, including 20 United States Senators and more than 150 Congressional representatives. Additionally, numerous graduates have served as state legislators.

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3D Law School rankings

RankLaw School3D Score
#1Yale Law School97.8
#2Stanford Law School96.9
#3Harvard Law School95.8
#4Columbia Law School94.5
#5Chicago Law School93.6
#6New York University School of Law92.8
#7Carey Law School92.1
#8Virginia School of Law91.0
#9Northwestern Pritzker School of Law89.9