Saint Gallen University faculty


Saint Gallen University Faculty

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The University of St. Gallen (HSG) is a research university located in St. Gallen, Switzerland, that specialises in business administration, economics, law, international affairs, and computer science. It was established in 1898. It consistently ranks as one of the best business schools in Europe. In 2022, it had 9,590 students, of which 3,757 were master's students and 584 were doctoral students. Although one of Switzerland's smallest universities, HSG has Switzerland's largest faculty for business administration. It has produced more billionaires in Europe than any other European university. It is a member of the CEMS and APSIA and is EQUIS, AACSB and AMBA accredited (triple crown). Its campus is listed as a Swiss heritage site of national significance. The university is owned by the canton of St. Gallen.

Article Title : University of St. Gallen
Article Snippet :The University of St. Gallen (HSG) is a research university located in St. Gallen, Switzerland, that specialises in business administration, economics
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Article Snippet :St. Gallen is a Swiss city and the capital of the canton of St. Gallen. It evolved from the hermitage of Saint Gall, founded in the 7th century. Today
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Article Snippet :Second World War, the university set up "university camps" along with the University of Zürich, Handels-Hochschule in St. Gallen and a Lycée camp at Wetzikon
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Article Snippet :Brussels,  Belgium St. Gallen University — St. Gallen,  Switzerland University of Stellenbosch Business School (Stellenbosch University) — Stellenbosch,  South
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The George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences (GW SMHS for short) was established in 1824, due to the need for doctors in the District of Columbia (DC). The school formally opened its doors a year later in 1825. It is the eleventh oldest medical school in the United States and the first medical school established in the nation's capital. The school has more than 700 medical students currently enrolled in its Doctor of Medicine (MD) program.

GW saw rise in the number of applications, to 14,649 applications in 2012.

The George Washington University School of Medicine is at the forefront of technology for research and application. GW's innovations include the six-million volt linear accelerator, a radioisotope laboratory, and the first operating theaters with overhead observation decks, among others. Political figures, such as former Vice President Dick Cheney and former First Lady Laura Bush, also come to GW for routine and emergency procedures. The school was in the national spotlight in 1981 when US President Ronald Reagan, shot at close range, was rushed to its ER for surgery.

The Himmelfarb Health Sciences Library is the academic library for GW SMHS.

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