SDA Bocconi Business School


SDA Bocconi Business School

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The mountain chiffchaff or eastern chiffchaff (Phylloscopus sindianus) is a species of leaf warbler found in the Caucasus (P. s. lorenzii) and Himalayas (P. s. sindianus), and is an altitudinal migrant, moving to lower levels in winter. The nominate subspecies is similar to the Siberian chiffchaff, but with a finer darker bill, browner upperparts and buff flanks; its song is almost identical to the common chiffchaff, but the call is a weak psew. P. s. lorenzii is warmer and darker brown than the nominate race; it is sympatric with common chiffchaff in a small area in the Western Caucasus, but interbreeding occurs rarely, if ever. The mountain chiffchaff differs from tristis in vocalisations, external morphology and mtDNA sequences. Its two subspecies appear to be distinct vocally, and also show some difference in mtDNA sequences.

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Article Snippet :recherche Claudio-Dematté de SDA Bocconi, fonction qu'il a occupée jusqu'en 2006. En 2004, il a été doyen de la Graduate School pendant un an. De 2005 à novembre
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Article Snippet :administration publique. En Italie, le SDA Bocconi School of Management (en), diplôme de l'Université Bocconi à Milan. À Chypre, le Cyprus International
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The Leonard N. Stern School of Business (commonly known as The Stern School or Stern), is New York University's business school. Established as the School of Commerce, Accounts and Finance in 1900, Stern is one of the oldest and most prestigious business schools in the world. It is also a founding member of the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business. In 1988, it was named in honor of Leonard N. Stern, an alumnus and benefactor of the school.

The school is located on NYU's Greenwich Village campus next to the Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences.

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