Wharton Business School


Wharton Business School

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Article Title : Wharton School
Article Snippet :The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania Localisation sur la carte de Pennsylvanie Localisation sur la carte de Philadelphie La Wharton School
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Article Title : Joseph Wharton
Article Snippet :l'industrie minière et de transformation. Il est le fondateur de la Wharton School de l'University of Pennsylvania et cofondateur du Swarthmore College

The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania also known as Wharton Business School, The Wharton School or simply Wharton) is the business school of the University of Pennsylvania, a private Ivy League university in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Established in 1881 through a donation from Joseph Wharton, the Wharton School is the world's oldest collegiate school of business. Furthermore, Wharton is the business school that has produced the highest number of billionaires in the US.
The Wharton School awards Bachelor of Science in Economics degrees at the undergraduate level and Master of Business Administration degrees at the postgraduate level, both of which require the selection of a major. Wharton also offers a doctoral program and houses, or co-sponsors, several diploma programs either alone or in conjunction with the other schools at the university.
Wharton's MBA program is ranked No. 1 in the United States according to The MBA Guidebook and No. 1 in the United States according to the 2020 U.S. News & World Report ranking. Meanwhile, Wharton's MBA for Executives and undergraduate programs are also ranked No. 2 and No. 1, respectively, in the United States by the same publications. According to US News, MBA graduates of Wharton earn an average $159,815 first year base pay not including bonuses, the highest at leading schools.
Wharton's MBA program is tied for the highest in the United States average GMAT score of 732 (97th percentile) for its entering class. In general, Wharton has over 95,000 alumni in 153 countries, with notable figures such as Donald Trump, Jeremy Rifkin, Elon Musk, Warren Buffett, Sundar Pichai, Nassim Nicholas Taleb, Aditya Mittal, Steven A. Cohen, Jeff Weiner, Anil Ambani, John Sculley, Walter Annenberg, Leonard Lauder, Laurence Tisch, Michael Moritz, Ruth Porat, Kunal Bahl, Shellye Archambeau, and William Wrigley Jr. II. Its alumni include a U.S. President and the CEOs of SpaceX, Google, Tesla, Inc., LinkedIn, The Blackstone Group, CBS, General Electric, Boeing, Pfizer, Comcast, Oracle, DHL, UPS, Pepsi, Time, Inc, BlackRock, Johnson & Johnson, UBS AG, Wrigley Company, and Tesco.

The Wharton MBA program opens doors to greater knowledge and a global, collaborative network. The broad-based core curriculum is complemented by a wide selection of electives. Classes in the core develop essential business knowledge, while electives allow students to delve into areas of personal interest and build a major from one of 17 areas of study. Classroom learning combines with hands-on experiences to foster business leaders with the knowledge, communication prowess, and teamwork skills essential in today's organizations. With the Wharton MBA Resource Guide we encourage you to explore the academic and co-curricular resources available within Wharton, at the other schools at Penn, and through our partnerships domestically and abroad.

In 1881, American entrepreneur and industrialist Joseph Wharton had the most radical idea in the history of business: the establishment of the world's first collegiate school of business at the University of Pennsylvania. And this was only the beginning of the Wharton School’s history of leadership. In addition to writing the first business textbooks and establishing the first research center at a business school, we have produced Nobel Prize winners, founders and leaders of the world’s top companies, ambassadors, heads of state, and a US Supreme Court Justice . Wharton is home to one of the most published and most cited business school faculties in the world . We have created groundbreaking theories and best practices that have driven business and economic growth the world over — as well as the people who put that knowledge to work . Today, we serve the global business community as the most comprehensive source of business knowledge in the world . Our unique heritage and deep commitment to three foundational values continue to inspire the institutional mis - sion of the School: to apply unparalleled intellectual resources to prepare business leaders who fuel the growth of industries and economies throughout the world . A continued commitment to innovation: Wharton’s innovative environment continues to generate the knowledge and ideas that are the building blocks of global business practice . Our faculty includes more than 225 of the world’s leading experts in 10 academic disciplines and count - less subspecialties . The School’s research enterprise is supported by 20 research centers and initiatives . We bring innovation into the classroom with new programs including technology enhanced learning tools and specialized interdisciplinary programs in global business, the life sciences, technology management, retailing, and ethics, among others . Breadth of expertise and global outreach: The expertise of our faculty creates opportunities to gain in depth knowledge in virtually every major challenge facing global business today in programs across the entire spectrum of business education . As part of the University of Pennsylvania, an Ivy League institution, we also share vast resources in business law, ethics, public policy, technology, and the life sciences — more than any other business school . As the largest global business school, Wharton reaches the broadest international audience with an ever-expanding range of programs and services . Wharton’s global reach includes 91,000 alumni, as well as more than 1 . 8 million readers through Knowledge@Wharton . And Wharton operates around the world with two campuses in Philadelphia and San Francisco, and bases in Europe and Asia . Deep engagement with leading businesses and policy makers: Wharton’s impact in the classroom and the world is fueled by our long-term relationships with leading companies and global policymakers . Every year, we work with more than 1,000 com - panies, including more than two-thirds of the Fortune 500 and leading global firms, as well as government agencies around the world . This engagement in research, academic programming and curricular design enables Wharton to bridge the gap between theory and practice . It makes Wharton a unique environment where new knowledge grows in a real-world, real-time context

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