SKEMA Business School


SKEMA Business School

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Article Title : Skema Business School
Article Snippet :Voir la page de discussion pour plus de détails. SKEMA Business School SKEMA Business School (School of Knowledge Economy and Management) est une grande
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Article Snippet :fusionné avec CERAM Business School en Novembre 2009 pour devenir SKEMA Business School. Fondé en 1963, le CERAM Business School s'est successivement
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Article Snippet :1892. L'ESC Lille a fusionné avec CERAM Business School en novembre 2009 pour devenir SKEMA Business School. Le groupe offrait des formations aux niveaux

SKEMA Business School is a private establishment of higher education and research with the legal status of a non-profit association under the French "1901 law". It was founded in 2009 as a result of the merger between the Ecole Supérieure de Commerce (ESC), Lille and CERAM Business School, Sophia Antipolis. The Lille school had been founded in 1892 and CERAM in 1963. The merger between CERAM Business School and ESC Lille was first announced on June 30, 2009. They now form a single non-profit organization approved by their respective governing bodies (the General Assembly of the French Riviera Chamber of Commerce and the Board of Directors of ESC Lille). The official ceremony and announcement of the new name took place November 16, 2009. CERAM Business School and ESC Lille were respectively founded in 1963 by the French Riviera Chamber of Commerce and in 1892 by Lille Chamber of Commerce. The school name, SKEMA, is derived from the Greek, skhêma (shape, figure, formation of an object) meaning schema in Latin. It also stands for the initial letters of "School of Knowledge Economy and Management".
The school is now the largest French business school in number of students (7,500), second in number of teachers (166) and fifth in terms of budget.

Since its beginnings in 2009 as a result of the merger between ESC Lille and CERAM Business School, SKEMA has been a global business school that has always been inspired by the same ambition on its French and international campuses: to train leaders and managers who are mobile and adaptable, able to contribute to the knowledge economy and generate sustainable performance respecting the values and challenges of society, the environment and the economy. SKEMA has opened several international campuses to give its students an international experience. It has three campuses in France in Lille, Paris and Sophia Antipolis near Nice, and a campus in China (Suzhou), Brazil (Belo Horizonte) and the USA (Raleigh, North Carolina, in partnership with North Carolina State University). Lille and Sophia Antipolis campuses are the historic locations of the ESC Lille and CERAM Business School.

On May 2019 Skema Business School announces the upcoming opening of its new Grand Paris campus. Previously occupied by Airbus, the campus spreads across 30,000 m2 comprising 40 classrooms and two big lecture halls. This campus will also have a rooftop of 1,600m2, a co-working space and a student residence. It is expected to open between 2020 and 2021.
At the moment, the Paris campus is located in La Défense.

Moreover, Skema announces the opening of a new campus in Cape Town (South Africa) at the beginning of academic year 2019/2020. SKEMA - Lille Campus (France)
The Lille campus is located in the Euralille business district in the north of France. The Lille campus gathers more than 2,200 students over 16,000 m2. A partnership has been established with the University of Lille to develop joint-programmes and combine the institutions' research efforts in the Lille School of Management Research Center.
The Sophia Antipolis campus is located in the technology park of the same name in the south of France. A partnership with Science Po Aix offers joint-programmes, enabling business students to study political sciences.

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