Asian Institute of Management executive MBA acceptance rate


Asian Institute Of Management Executive MBA Acceptance Rate

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The Yale School of Management (also known as Yale SOM) is the graduate business school of Yale University, a private research university in New Haven, Connecticut. The school awards the Master of Business Administration (MBA), MBA for Executives (EMBA), Master of Advanced Management (MAM), Master's Degree in Systemic Risk (SR), Master's Degree in Global Business & Society (GBS), Master's Degree in Asset Management (AM), and Ph.D. degrees, as well as joint degrees with nine other graduate programs at Yale University. The Yale School of Management is one of six Ivy League Business Schools. The school conducts education and research in leadership, behavioral economics, operations management, marketing, entrepreneurship, organizational behavior, and other areas. The EMBA program offers focused study in healthcare, asset management, or sustainability. The school also offers semester-long student exchange programs with HEC Paris, IESE, the London School of Economics, the National University of Singapore Business School, and Tsinghua University. Students may also propose a quarter- or semester-long exchange program with any of the 25 other schools of the Global Network for Advanced Management.

Article Title : Yale School of Management
Article Snippet :The school awards the Master of Business Administration (MBA), MBA for Executives (EMBA), Master of Advanced Management (MAM), Master's Degree in Systemic
Article Title : Samuel Curtis Johnson Graduate School of Management
Article Snippet :compensation among all U.S.-based MBA programs. With an acceptance rate of 29.9 percent, the Johnson Graduate School of Management is the seventh most selective
Article Title : HEC Paris
Article Snippet : France. It offers Bachelor, MiM, MSc in International Finance, MBA, EMBA, executive education, professional development, professional certification,
Article Title : Mannheim Business School
Article Snippet :full-time MBA program was rated as the most selective in Europe, on par with the HEC Paris MBA and with an acceptance rate of only 20%. Admission requirements
Article Title : UBC Sauder School of Business
Article Snippet :choice yielding a 40% admittance rate with 52% of them accepting their offer to the program. This is the acceptance rate for students applying to Sauder
Article Title : Hult International Business School
Article Snippet :and MBA degree programs, as well as executive education through Hult Ashridge, housed on the Ashridge Estate campus. The school is also the patron of the
Article Title : McDonough School of Business
Article Snippet :(MBA) programs, two Global Executive MBA programs, a Master of Science in Finance (MSF) program, a Master of Science in Management and an Executive Master's
Article Title : Columbia Business School
Article Snippet :publisher of the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette Warren Buffett, MS 1951, CEO of Berkshire Hathaway Washington SyCip, MBA 1943, founder of the Asian Institute of Management
Article Title : ESSEC Business School
Article Snippet :and ESSEC Executive MBA programs. It was founded by Jesuits in response to the creation of HEC Paris, it was independent of any chamber of commerce and
Article Title : Stockholm School of Economics
Article Snippet :Vasastaden in the central part of Stockholm, Sweden. SSE offers BSc, MSc and MBA programs, along with PhD- and Executive education programs. SSE is accredited

The Executive MBA Council is an educational accreditation council formed in 1981 to accredit schools of business offering EMBA degrees worldwide. The council was formed with the assistance of the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB International).

The council's stated mission is to promote the advancement of executive MBA worldwide through its partnerships, conference, and research and outreach activities. The EMBA Council is governed by a Board of Trustees, which consists mainly of the Deans or Program Directors of its business school members and sets goals on council initiatives.

The council is headquartered in Beckman Hall, Orange, California, United States.

As of May 2010, the Executive MBA Council has accredited 237 full business schools on six continents and 18 corporate members.

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