EDHEC Business School ranking


EDHEC Business School Ranking

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EDHEC Business School (French: École des Hautes Etudes Commerciales du Nord) is a French business school (Grande École) with campuses in Lille, Nice, and Paris, as well as in the United Kingdom and Singapore. EDHEC is accredited by EQUIS, AACSB and AMBA (triple accreditation). In 2019, EDHEC had 8,600 students enrolled in traditional graduate and undergraduate programs, 245 exchange and double-degree agreements, and an alumni network of more than 40,000 across 125 countries.

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Article Snippet :EDHEC Business School (French: École des Hautes Etudes Commerciales du Nord) is a French business school (Grande École) with campuses in Lille, Nice, and
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EDHEC Business School is a leading French business school. As a private Grande école in France, it specializes in business and management studies. EDHEC Business School has 5 campuses: Lille, Nice, Paris, London, and Singapore. EDHEC Business School offers undergraduate (BBA), graduate (MSc and MiM) and executive education (Global MBA, EMBA, PhD in Finance, as well as a variety of open and customized programmes). It has 8,000 students enrolled in traditional graduate and undergraduate programmes, 150 partner universities and a network of more than 40,000 alumni in over 125 countries. EDHEC's MSc Finance program was ranked #1 worldwide by Financial Times and The MBA GuideBook in 2017; making it one of the most prestigious financial study programs globally. Out of 14,000 business schools worldwide, EDHEC is one of just 80 business schools that have the Triple Crown Accreditation from EQUIS, AACSB and AMBA. EDHEC Business School is consistently rated as one of the top business schools in continental Europe and one of the leading business schools worldwide.

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