ESCP Business School GMAT average score


ESCP Business School GMAT Average Score

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A cram school (colloquially: crammer, test prep, tuition center, or exam factory) is a specialized school that trains its students to achieve particular goals, most commonly to pass the entrance examinations of high schools or universities. The English name is derived from the slang term cramming, meaning to study a large amount of material in a short period of time. The word "crammer" may be used to refer to the school or to an individual teacher who assists a student in cramming.

Article Title : Cram school
Article Snippet :(Grandes écoles) in science, engineering and business — including École Normale Supérieure, HEC Paris, EDHEC, ESCP, EM Lyon, ESSEC, École polytechnique, Arts

ESCP Europe (French: École supérieure de commerce de Paris) is a European business school with campuses in Paris, Berlin, London, Madrid, Turin, and Warsaw. ESCP Europe is one of the most selective French Grandes écoles and referred in France as one of the "trois Parisiennes" (three Parisians), together with HEC Paris and ESSEC Business School. ESCP Europe is also considered as the world's oldest business school.
ESCP Europe is especially famous for its Master in Management program, ranked 5th worldwide and for its Master in Finance, ranked 2nd worldwide by The MBA Guidebook.
Accredited by the Paris Chamber of Commerce, ESCP Europe is one of the 76 business schools in the world to have obtained the triple accreditation of AACSB, EQUIS and AMBA.

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