IE Business School MBA essay writing guide


IE Business School MBA Essay Writing Guide

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A Master of Business Administration (MBA), is a professional degree focused on business administration. The core courses in an MBA program cover various areas of business administration; elective courses may allow further study in a particular area but an MBA is normally intended to be a general program. It originated in the United States in the early 20th century when the country industrialized and companies sought scientific management. MBA programs in the United States typically require completing about forty to sixty semester credit hours, much higher than the thirty semester credit hours typically required for other US master's degrees that cover some of the same material. The UK-based Association of MBAs accreditation requires "the equivalent of at least 1,800 hours of learning effort", equivalent to 45 US semester credit hours or 90 European ECTS credits, the same as a standard UK master's degree. Accreditation bodies for business schools and MBA programs ensure consistency and quality of education. Business schools in many countries offer programs tailored to full-time, part-time, executive (abridged coursework typically occurring on nights or weekends) and distance learning students, many with specialized concentrations. An "Executive MBA", or EMBA, is a degree program similar to an MBA program that is specifically structured for and targeted towards corporate executives and senior managers who are already in the workforce.

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IE Business School is a graduate and undergraduate school of business located in Madrid, Spain. It was founded in 1973 under the name Instituto de Empresa and since 2009 is part of IE University. IE Business School runs BBA, MBA, Executive MBA, master's degree programs in finance and management, executive education programs, PhD and DBA programs.

IE Business School was founded by three entrepreneurs in 1973 with the goal of fostering an entrepreneurial environment that it instills in its various programs, and many collaborations such as a dual MBA with Brown University and an Asian-focused program run with Singapore Management University.

IE Business schools provides business graduate level programs such as masters with specialisations in International Business, Sales & Marketing or Digital Business, Finance. International MBA (IMBA), Global Executive MBA or Executive MBA. Doctoral programs and Executive education
IE Business School is regularly ranked by The MBA Guidebook among the top 10 Business Schools in Europe

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