Michigan Ross School of Business prerequisites and requirements


Michigan Ross School Of Business Prerequisites And Requirements

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The Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) or (DrBA) is a terminal degree in business administration. The DBA is classified as a research doctorate or professional doctorate depending on the granting university and country where the degree was awarded. Academically, the DBA is awarded based on advanced study, examinations, project work, and advanced research in the field of business administration. DBA candidates are required to submit a significant project, commonly referred to as a thesis, capstone project, or dissertation. This project consists of an extensive body of original academic research that possesses the potential for publication in a peer-reviewed journal. Candidates must defend their work before a panel of expert examiners, known as a thesis, dissertation, or doctoral committee. In addition, most DBA programs have coursework requirements. Along with the PhD or DPhil, the DBA represents the highest academic qualification in the field of business administration. Both the United States Department of Education and the National Science Foundation recognize the DBA as equivalent to the Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degree.

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The Ross School of Business is the business school of the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor. Ross offers undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral degrees, as well as an executive education program. Ross also offers dual degrees with the colleges and schools of urban planning, engineering, medicine, law, education, nursing, information, music, and School of Natural Resources and Environment (SNRE). At Michigan Ross, we are leaders, researchers, and lifelong learners creating innovative solutions to the world's most complex business challenges. We are a top-ranked business school offering action-based learning to prepare our graduates for today's ever-evolving world. Our impact extends far beyond the classroom as we aim to set a new standard in business and business education.

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