SDA Bocconi executive MBA programs


SDA Bocconi Executive MBA Programs

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SDA Bocconi School of Management (SDA standing for Scuola di Direzione Aziendale) was founded in 1971 and is the graduate business school of Bocconi University in Milan and Rome, Italy. SDA Bocconi is triple accredited by the AACSB, EQUIS, and the AMBA. SDA Bocconi offers various MBA programs, specialized master’s degrees, as well as executive education, professional development, and professional certification programs. The business school also regularly engages in commissioned research projects. SDA Bocconi School of Management, in addition to its main campus in Milan, Italy maintains a presence in Mumbai, India called the SDA Bocconi Asia Center.

Article Title : SDA Bocconi School of Management
Article Snippet :Milan and Rome, Italy. SDA Bocconi is triple accredited by the AACSB, EQUIS, and the AMBA. SDA Bocconi offers various MBA programs, specialized master’s
Article Title : Bocconi University
Article Snippet :offers MBA programs, executive education, professional certifications, and a Doctor of Business Administration (DBA). Founded in 1971, SDA Bocconi is fully
Article Title : ESADE Business School
Article Snippet : ESADE also offers an International Executive Master in Marketing & Sales (emms) in partnership with SDA Bocconi School of Management, Milan (Italy).
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Article Snippet :International Finance, MBA, EMBA, executive education, professional development, professional certification, and PhD programs. Founded in 1881 by Gustave
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Article Snippet :Rotman-SDA Bocconi Global Executive MBA program immerses mid-to-senior executives in core business disciplines from a global perspective. The program, supported
Article Title : IAE Universidad Austral
Article Snippet :AMBA - Association of MBAs EQUIS - European Quality Improvement System IAE Business School offers international executive programs jointly with the IESE
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Article Snippet :and institutions and offers a range of MBAs, master's degrees, and other degree and executive education programs. The owner of the business school is the
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Article Snippet :course (2-week course, 6 ECTS credits). MBA and executive MBA programs are offered by the Aalto University Executive Education AEE with operations in Helsinki
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Article Snippet :"Undergraduate Programs". 24 November 2014. "Masters of Science Programs". 13 March 2015. "Executive Masters Programs". 19 April 2021. "The Lisbon MBA". "FT MBA Ranking"
Article Title : INSEAD
Article Snippet :of Business Administration, an Executive MBA (EMBA), an Executive Master in Finance, a Master in Management, an Executive Master in Change, a PhD in management

The Executive MBA Council is an educational accreditation council formed in 1981 to accredit schools of business offering EMBA degrees worldwide. The council was formed with the assistance of the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB International).

The council's stated mission is to promote the advancement of executive MBA worldwide through its partnerships, conference, and research and outreach activities. The EMBA Council is governed by a Board of Trustees, which consists mainly of the Deans or Program Directors of its business school members and sets goals on council initiatives.

The council is headquartered in Beckman Hall, Orange, California, United States.

As of May 2010, the Executive MBA Council has accredited 237 full business schools on six continents and 18 corporate members.

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