Saint Gallen University GMAT scores and GPA


Saint Gallen University GMAT Scores And GPA

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The Stockholm School of Economics (SSE; Swedish: Handelshögskolan i Stockholm, HHS) is a private business school located in city district Vasastaden in the central part of Stockholm, Sweden. SSE offers BSc, MSc and MBA programs, along with PhD- and Executive education programs. SSE is accredited by EQUIS and is a member of CEMS. SSE has founded sister organizations: SSE Riga in Riga, Latvia, and SSE Russia in St Petersburg and Moscow, Russia. It also operates the European Institute of Japanese Studies (Japanese, kanji: 欧州日本研究所, Japanese, romaji: Ōshū Nihon kenkyūjo), a research institute in Tokyo, Japan.

Article Title : Stockholm School of Economics
Article Snippet :administration, and international studies. For Master programmes, applicants have to have a GMAT score of over 600 and a TOEFL iBT score of over 100 in

Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons, often known as P&S, is a graduate school of Columbia University that is located in the Columbia University Medical Center in the Washington Heights neighborhood of Manhattan. Founded in 1767 by Samuel Bard as the medical department of King's College (now Columbia University), the College of Physicians and Surgeons was the first medical school in the thirteen colonies and hence, the United States, to award the Doctor of Medicine (M.D.) degree. Beginning in 1993, P&S also was the first U.S. medical school to hold a White Coat Ceremony.

According to U.S. News and World Report, P&S is one of the most selective medical schools in the United States based on average MCAT score, GPA, and acceptance rate. In 2011, 6,907 people applied and 1,158 were interviewed for 169 positions in its entering class. The average undergraduate GPA and average MCAT score for successful applicants in 2011 were 3.78 and 35.7, respectively. Columbia is ranked 8th amongst research-oriented medical schools in the United States and ranked 43rd for primary care by U.S. News and World Report. It is currently ranked 5th amongst medical schools in the world by the Academic Ranking of World Universities (Clinical Medicine, 2012). The college also has the highest tuition of any private medical school in the United States.

Columbia is affiliated with New York-Presbyterian Hospital, the nation's 6th-ranked hospital according to U.S. News & World Report.

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